The Key to Developing a Successful Content Marketing Strategy


I’ve been writing content for fintech, blockchain, and crypto companies for many years now.

From my experience, companies developing content because “it’s the thing to do” or because “everyone else is doing it” or “to get clicks and page views” rarely succeed and usually fail to get any meaningful ROI.

Why is this?

Because companies with this mindset usually want to spew out as much content as possible and have little understanding of what makes content truly effective.

Content is not about quantity. It’s about quality.

Well, the truth is somewhere in-between. It’s about making quality content that selflessly delivers value consistently.

It’s about building credibility and relationships, not pumping out loads of average clickbait-like content that just promotes your product or service.

Take a look at these findings.

  • When asked why buyers selected the winning vendor over others, 75% of respondents said the winning vendor’s content had a significant impact on their buying decisions. (Demand Gen B2B Buyers Report)

  • Content marketing gets 3–5 times more leads than paid search advertising. (Content Marketing Institute)

  • Small businesses with a blog will see 126% more lead growth on average than those that don’t. (Content Marketing Institute)

  • Companies that actively blog have 434% more indexed pages on Google, 55% more visitors, and 97% more inbound links. (HubSpot)

  • 80% of business decision-makers prefer to get company information from a series of articles versus an advertisement. (B2B PR Sense)

  • 47% of B2B buyers consume three to five pieces of content before engaging with a salesperson. (Demand Gen Report)

  • 84% of people expect brands to produce content. (Meaningful Brands)

  • 95% of buyers are willing to share their name, company, and email address in return for content. (Demand Gen Report)

The benefits of content are clear. 

But, and it's a BIG but. You have to do it the right way.

You have to be selfless.

Don’t just create content for clicks, page views, or to get your customers to do something for YOU. It’s not about you, remember?

Aspire to become a trusted resource and develop content that makes your customers’ life easier. Create content that puts your customers first and delivers REAL value with no strings attached.

Do this, and I promise you. Great things will follow.


Need an experienced content writer? Contact me today!

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